SERIALGAMES Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has set the following privacy policy and instituted its own privacy protection procedures and rules, while having all its employees recognize the importance of privacy protection and take all necessary measures to achieve the goal, so that all personal information is protected.

1. Management of personal information
The Company shall maintain a security system, institute a personal information management protocol, take other necessary actions including rigorous employee training, implement adequate safety measures, and strictly manage all personal information related to its users so that their personal information is kept accurate and up-to-date, and protected from the risks of unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, leak, etc.
2. Intended uses of personal information
The Company shall use the users’ personal information that is left in its custody for the purpose of communicating to the users, providing information on the Company’s services, and answering user inquiries, by way of email and sending documents, etc.
3. Prohibited disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
The Company shall properly manage the users’ personal information that is in its custody and shall not disclose it to any third party except in the following instances:
・ if the consent is obtained from the user to which the personal information relates;
・ if the Company is disclosing the personal information to an outside contractor that is hired by the Company to provide a service that is desired by the user; or
・ if the Company is required by law to disclose the personal information.
4. Safety measures for personal information protection
The Company has instituted comprehensive security measures for ensuring the accuracy and safety of the personal information that is in its custody.
5. Verification of identity
When the Company receives a request from a user to view, correct, delete, or take other action on the user’s personal information, the Company shall handle such request after verifying the user’s identity.
6. Statutory and normative compliance, and policy revision
The Company shall comply with the laws of Japan and other norms that apply to the personal information in the Company’s custody, revise this Policy as needed, and strive to continuously improve it.
7. Inquiry
If you wish to make an inquiry about the Company’s handling of personal information, please use the inquiry form ( provided at the Company’s corporate website.

September 1, 2014
Tadashi Yoshizawa, Representative Director